Zuni Fetish Carvings and Zuni Necklaces


Zuni Fetish Directional Sets

Zuni Fetish Directional Sets contain every animal carving
 that the Zuni people believe will protect you from harm.

The Mountain Lion fetish is the protective animal of the North.

The Bear fetish is the protective animal of the West.

The  Wolf is the protective animal of the East.

The Badger fetish is the protective animal of the South.

The Eagle fetish is the protective animal of Above.

The Mole fetish is the protective animal of the lower region.

Lena and Leland Boone Directional Set

Lena and Leland Boone Directional Set

These are old style fetishes made as in the Weahkee tradition.
Teddy Weahkee was Lena’s grandfather) and Edna Leki
was Lena’s mother.

Bear Mountain, Lion, Eagle, Wolf, Mole, Badger

Each matched Zuni fetish carving
 is about 2 1/2″

The Bear is Seam Royston Turquoise
The Mountain Lion is Chocolate Serpentine
The Eagle is Serpentine
The Wolf is Travertine
The Mole is Gold Slag
The Badger is Crystal Travertine

 for the entire set of 6 carvings


Very Large Delvin Leekya Zuni Fetish Directional Set

Zuni Rock Mountain Lion

with an Abalone Shell Arrowhead and a Coral
Turquoise Offering

6″ long

Rainbow Dolomite Badger

with an Abalone Shell Arrowhead and Turquoise Offering

4 1/2″ long

Rainbow Dolomite Bear

with an Abalone Shell Arrowhead and Turquoise Offering

5″ long

Rainbow Dolomite Wolf

with an Abalone Shell Arrowhead and Turquoise Offering

5″ long

Zuni Rock Wolf

with an Abalone Shell Arrowhead and a Coral
Turquoise Offering

6 1/4″ long

Rainbow Dolomite Eagle

with an Abalone Shell Feathers

4″ long

The Entire Directional Set is



<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Zuni Fetish Directional Sets >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Large Delvin Leekya Zuni Fetish Directional Set

Rainbow Dolomite Mountain Lion

with an Abalone Shell Arrowhead and Turquoise Offering

4″ long

Picasso Marble Bear

with a Turquoise Arrowhead and Coral Offering

3 1/2″ long

Rainbow Dolomite Wolf

with an Abalone Shell Arrowhead and Turquoise Offering

3 1/2″ long

Rainbow Dolomite Badger

with an Abalone Shell Arrowhead and Turquoise Offering

2 3/4″ long

Zuni Rock Mole

2 3/4″ long

Rainbow Dolomite Eagle

with an Abalone Shell Wings

3″ long

The Entire Directional Set is



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