Zuni Fetish Carvings and Zuni Necklaces


Irvin Burkee
(1918 -2007) 
Limited Edition Sedona Red Rock Landscape Posters

The posters were originally donated by Irv Burkee to the
 Sedona Chamber Music for seasons 1989 through 2003.

Each Poster is $55

Shipping and Handling is $20
3 posters can be shipped for the price of one…
 and enjoy a 10% Discount too!!





Irvin Burkee created 15 original paintings which made into posters for Sedona Chamber Music.

.The posters were intended to raise money for Chamber Music and promote each upcoming season.

Irv’s wife, bonnie, recalls that in l989 Chamber Music Sedona was facing hard times. Their future was
 uncertain. The Board felt that posters would help promote the concerts and increase attendance. 

Irv’s Sedona Red Rock landscapes were the annual posters. Enough posters were printed each year
(1989 – 2003) to fill the needs of Sedona Chamber Music for that year. We have those that were not used.

Four posters are already sold out; 1989, 1990, 1991, and 1993.

In addition to the posters…

For the first time, Fine Art Reproductions of the original art is available.

All the original paintings were sold years ago. However, Irv had the vision to get each painting professionally photographed when he completed it.  It is from these large transparencies, that the new digital images were scanned. Each image is limited to an edition of 20. All Irv’s art is printed on a new, large format, Epson Fine Art Printer.

The art is printed on very heavy, deeply textured, Hahnemuhle Torchon paper.

These fine art prints re-create the subtle detail and vibrant colors that Irv Burkee intended in his original
paintings. The prints do not contain the text that is present in the Chamber Music posters

See the entire Irv Burkee Sedona Chamber Music Poster Collection

 1989 & 1990  1991 & 1992  1993 & 1994  1995 & 1996  1997 & 1998  1999 & 2000   2001 & 2002  2003

More about each Poster

1989 THE RED ROCKS OF SEDONA – The Cottonwood Tree was Irv’s central focus here. It was the first Sedona Chamber Music poster. Irv often spoke of the tree’s dark and lacy winter phase. He painted it that way silhouetted against Sedona Red Rocks. Irv lived alongside a river lined with Cottonwood trees.

1990 OAK CREEK – To establish a contrast to the first poster, Irv chose a Fall scene and painted a Sycamore tree in
 its colorful foliage. Irv was inspired too by the water’s reflections.

1991 THE CENTURY PLANT – On a drive to Jerome, Irv was struck by the beauty of Century plants. This would be his next painting for the posters. He believed that rich color was the most important element in all paintings.

1992 THE PRICKLY PEAR CACTUS – Because Irv was always impressed with this plant, he chose to place it, portrait fashion, in the immediate foreground. The intense blue green of the plant and its weird formation fascinated him.
Irv found excitement in experimenting with sky colors.

1993 SEDONA – Schnebly Hill view with Sedona in the distance.

1994 SOAP TREE YUCCA – During the summer months this tall graceful plant grows wild everywhere. It caught Irv’s attention… to him a marvelous detail of the Arizona landscape.

1995 FLOWERS OF THE RED ROCKS—-These wild flowers, scattered in front of and between the classic Red Rocks, were always a delight for Irv to come upon. And these he painted as if he was lying on the ground, with his eyes focused on the world at that angle, to give stature to their importance in the landscape.

1996 THE TREE OF LACE AND THE RED-TAILED HAWK—–The cottonwood tree, the circling hawk, a rocky creek, and the enchanting mood of the Red Rocks became this

painting. The skies form an important part of his paintings and the clouds are usually of a dark nature. He seldom painted white clouds. I think he felt that dark ones formed a boundary.

1997 DESERT CEDAR TREE – Irv created in the dark shadow of the Red Rocks a stage setting for the desert cedar tree– as well as a panorama of the high desert floor with rock configurations retreating far into the horizon.

Working at defining distances… Creating a three dimensional depth of field on a two dimensional surface was of great interest to Irv. 

1998 SHADOWS OF THE DESERT FLOOR – This painting was designed to catch a long view of the various ranges of the Red Rocks and their cloned shadows. Irv was often impressed with interesting shapes… shadows cast by light from the low, late afternoon sun.

1999 HIGH DESERT – The tree with blue green foliage is the signature tree of Irv’s found in many of his landscapes–a tree trunk with globular greenery. It reads simply “tree” whereas the large tree in the foreground with the web of tiny branches represents his labor of love.

2000 THE FOURTH SEASON – Carrying memories of living and painting in Colorado for so many years, Irv was delighted to have this chance to illustrate the season of snow in these Red Rocks. The color red in the rocky cliff is the defining difference, although the background of slanting snow is quite the same.

2001 THISTLES OF THE RED ROCKS – Irv greatly admired the brilliant purple thistle plant. Hiking among them on the trails of the Red Rocks was always a remarkable experience and that which prompted this painting. Sometimes he adds the Arizona sun to the sky as a special touch.

2002 SEDONA TAPESTRY – an assembly of Burkee images and mounting them to create the illusion of a stained glass window.

2003 THE WEST FORK CANYON – Overwhelmed by the quiet beauty, Irv combined what he saw with what he felt.
Irv paints them from sketches he keeps in his thoughts.

Copyright 2009 by Sedonawolf
All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be copied or reproduced
 without prior
written consent of Sedonawolf. Irv Burkee art is copyrighted by
 the Irvin Burkee Estate. No reproduction of any kind is
 permitted without consent
